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We want to ensure the safety and academic excellence of your child's online experience. To achieve this, Shelley School District has adopted online services provided by GoGuardian.

Why GoGuardian?
GoGuardian is a trusted platform used by over 10,000 schools worldwide, protecting 5.5 million students. It is endorsed by the Global Educator Institute.

How We Use GoGuardian:
We use GoGuardian Admin and GoGuardian Teacher services for the following purposes:
- Protecting students from harmful online content
- Maintaining focus during online learning
- Assessing progress on class assignments
- Facilitating teacher-student communication during class

Operating Hours:
- GoGuardian operates on school-managed G Suite for Education Chrome accounts.
- Shelley School District protects your child 24/7 on school-owned devices or accounts.
- GoGuardian Teacher is active from Monday to Thursday during school hours (7 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

School's Responsibilities:
We prioritize your child's online safety and education. We will train teachers on GoGuardian usage and privacy policies.

Parental/Guardian and Child's Responsibilities:
- Students should use school-managed Google accounts and devices for educational purposes, in line with our policies.
- Parents are responsible for off-campus internet supervision.
- We encourage discussions on responsible internet use and reporting any issues.

When and how does Go Guardian operate?
GoGuardian’s web-based services operate on our school’s managed Google Suite for Education Chrome accounts (i.e., when a student is logged into Chrome or a Chromebook with his/her school email address). This is an expectation.

When a student is off campus, parents are responsible for supervising internet access and usage. We encourage you to discuss rules for appropriate internet usage with your child, and reinforce lessons of digital citizenship and safety with him or her. We also highly encourage you to report any potential cyberbullying or other sensitive issues to us.

Teachers can…

  • Chat one on one with students (quick feedback)
  • See screen shots AND tabs students have open during that class
  • Can limit tabs open, distractions, inappropriate websites AND can exit of out tabs that are not necessary
  • Print out history for students (during the class time)

Reasons why it’s important:

  • Help see what students need help or more structure
  • Keep social media at a minimum
  • Less distractions
  • Keeping students focused on learning

Go Guardian enables teachers to use GoGuardian Teacher with students in their classes only during school hours from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

Protecting Privacy:

To help your child remain scholarly and safe online, GoGuardian collects certain personally identifiable information about your child. GoGuardian has consulted with privacy experts, participates in privacy organizations, is a proud signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge, and has been awarded certifications by iKeepSafe for complying with both the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and California student privacy laws. For more detailed information about GoGuardian, you may visit Go Guardian’s  websiteTrust & Privacy Center, and GoGuardian’s Product Privacy Policy.

About GoGuardian Parent Phone App

GoGuardian Parent App Setup