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Transportation Request Forms

Shelley School District Transportation Request forms

Bus request for Shelley School District Personnel

If you need to request a bus for activities that are through the school district. You can find a link below taking you to the Bus Request Form. This form will open in the same tab as this page.

NOTE: You must be a employee of Shelley School District 60 with a school district email account in order to see and fill out the form. 

Shelley School Activity Bus Request Form


Shelley School District 60 Public School Transportation Department is working with the people at Tyler Technologies to bring you a new streamlined and computerized bus routing and parent communications solution. This will be available for the 2019-2020 school year.


The Traversa Software improves operational efficiency, lowers transportation costs and improves student safety. Bus routes are easily created to best meet the needs of students and families and the software provides numerous communication tools.

The dynamic RIDE 360 website and cell phone app allows parents to access their child’s school bus number, drop off and pick up locations and times confidentially. Traversa also provides the Transportation Department the ability to alert parents about weather delays, school cancellations and if the school bus is running late. Download the app and website guidebooks from below to learn how to begin using this new software.

Contact the Transportation Department for additional information about Traversa RIDE 360
(208) 357-7582

Lookup Bus Route Schedules
Sign up for Traversa web Access and to Log In

Mobile App
Visit the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store to download the Traversa App

Traversa RIDE 360 Guidebooks

Traversa App Instructions Guidebook
Traversa Website Instructions Guidebook
Instrucciones sitio de web Traversa Ride 360
Guía de aplicaciones móviles Traversa Ride 360